Die Vigilanten von Montana oder Volksjustiz in den Rocky Mountains
31,08 €
B&W Illustrations:5th Edition,Very Good+. This book is in Very Good+ condition and is lacking a dust jacket The book and its contents are in mostly clean, bright condition. The text pages are clean and bright.
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Author:Dimsdale, Prof. Thomas J.
Book Title:The Vigilantes Of Montana
Publisher:McKee Printing Co.
Publication Year:1945
Place Published:Butte, MT
Topic:Western Americana
Edition:5th Edition
Book Condition:Very Good+
Defects:This book is in Very Good+ condition and is lacking a dust, jacket The book and its contents are in mostly clean, bright, condition. There is some minor bumping to the spine ends of the, book covers. The text pages are clean and bright. There are two, ink stamped previous owner's name and address stamps on the, front endpaper, along with an inked phone number. "Educated at, Oxford (although financially unable to complete his studies) ,, Dimsdale had spent ten years teaching in Millbrook, Ontario,, eventually being named a head master and acquiring the title of, “professor, ” before heading out west. Dimsdale opened a, subscription school in Virginia City in late summer, 1864. The, local paper was supportive, calling education “essential, ”, even though it might cause “some sacrifice of personal ease” to, parents. Within a short time, The Post urged the community to, take a larger step, making school a public affair, not private,, and a burden shared equally by all citizens. The newspaper, in, what appeared (at first glance) to be a rather progressive move, for the times, also urged a proper education for women. The, context, however, was that such an education would benefit, women in their “all important offices of wife, mother and, nurse. ”Interestingly, the Montana Post-Dimsdale connection, soon moved beyond editorials concerning education. The young, professor actually became the paper’s editor, and (in doing so), made his mark on history. Despite no formal education in, journalism, Dimsdale was prolific. In 1865, he penned a lengthy, series of newspaper articles on the history of Montana’s, vigilantes. His boss, D. W. Tilton (who owned both the, newspaper and the local book store) , compiled the articles, into a book – the first book ever published in the Territory.", (Missoula Current, Jim Harmon)
Illustration Type:B&W Illustrations
Subject:Western Americana
Place of Publication:Butte, MT
Year Printed:1945
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 24,62 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 28. February 2025 und 10. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 24,36 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 28. February 2025 und 10. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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