Die Winde der Welt
41,53 €
This book is in Very Good+ condition and is lacking the dust jacket. The book and its contents are in generally clean, bright condition. There are a couple of spots of ground-in dirt / discoloration to the rear cover.
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Author:Mundy, Talbot
Book Title:The Winds Of The World
Publisher:Bobbs-Merrill Company
Publication Year:1917
Place Published:Indianapolis, IN
Topic:Modern Fiction
Edition:1st American Edition
Printing:1st Printing
Book Condition:Very Good+
Defects:This book is in Very Good+ condition and is lacking the dust, jacket. The book and its contents are in generally clean,, bright condition. The spine ends and corners of the book cover, s have some light bumping and rubbing. There are a couple of, spots of ground-in dirt / discoloration to the rear cover. The, text pages are clean and bright. The endpapers have several, spots of foxing. "Talbot's accounts of the following years are, unreliable, tainted by his own fictionalised claims about his, activities. In March 1899 he sailed aboard the Caledonia to, Bombay in British India, where he had secured an administrative, job in a famine relief program based in the native state of, Baroda. There he purchased a horse and became a fan of, pig-sticking, a form of boar hunting. After suffering a bout of, malaria he returned to Britain in April 1900. In later years he, claimed that during this period he had fought for the British, Army in the Second Boer War, although this was untrue, for, chronologically it conflicted with his documented activities in, Britain; he did however have relatives who fought in the, conflict. Another of his later claims was that while visiting, Brighton in summer 1900 he ran into his favourite writer,, Rudyard Kipling, while walking in the street, and that they had, a conversation about India. " (from Wikipedia)
Illustrator:Joseph Clement Coll
Illustration Type:B&W Illustrations
Subject:Modern Fiction
Place of Publication:Indianapolis, IN
Year Printed:1917
Special Attributes:Illustrated
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 25,01 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 03. March 2025 und 11. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 24,73 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 03. March 2025 und 11. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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