Tom O'Bedlam
19,67 €
(Science Fiction and Fantasy)Silverberg, Robert: Tom O'Bedlam: Hardcover.Donald I. Fine, Inc.,New York.1985. Cover Art:Loretta Trezzo.1st Edition,1st Printing.Near Fine. "It is A. D. 2103. knows that his - insanity - is his way of coping with the extraordinary powers he possesses - powers that enable him.
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Author:Silverberg, Robert
Book Title:Tom O'Bedlam
Publisher:Donald I. Fine, Inc.
Publication Year:1985
Place Published:New York
Topic:Science Fiction and Fantasy
Edition:1st Edition
Printing:1st Printing
Book Condition:Near Fine in Near Fine dust jacket
Defects:This book is in Near Fine condition and has a Near Fine dust, jacket. The book and its contents are in clean, bright, condition. The text pages are clean and bright. The dust jacket, is crisp and clean with the exception of some light toning to, the dust jacket flaps. "It is A. D. 2103. Tom O'Bedlam, like, the wandering character in the medieval ballad, - Tom, O'Bedlam's Song, - feigns madness as a sane means of survival, in a high-tech, post-industrial world. Only Tom knows that his, - insanity - is his way of coping with the extraordinary powers, he possesses - powers that enable him to send his mind out, across unimaginable gulfs of space, touring other worlds and, capturing them in his unconsciousness." "After suffering, through the stresses of a thyroid malfunction and a major house, fire, Silverberg moved from his native New York City to the, West Coast in 1972, and he announced his retirement from, writing in 1975. In 1980 he returned, however, with Lord, Valentine's Castle, a panoramic adventure set on an alien, planet, which has become the basis of the Majipoor series—a, cycle of stories and novels set on the vast planet Majipoor, a, world much larger than Earth and inhabited by no fewer than, seven different species of settlers. In a 2015 interview, Silverberg said that he did not intend to write any more, fiction. Silverberg received a Nebula award in 1986 for the, novella Sailing to Byzantium, which takes its name from the, poem by William Butler Yeats; a Hugo in 1987 for the novella, Gilgamesh in the Outback, set in the Heroes in Hell universe of, Bangsian Fantasy."
Illustrator:Loretta Trezzo
Illustration Type:Cover Art
Subject:Science Fiction and Fantasy
Place of Publication:New York
Year Printed:1985
Special Attributes:1st Edition, Dust Jacket, Illustrated
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 22,84 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 04. April 2025 und 14. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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