Kriegsgeschichte von Santa Clara County
24,69 €
(World War I)Daley, Edith and Wright, H. J. B. (President) : War History of Santa Clara County: Paperback.Santa Clara County Historical Society,San Jose, CA.1919. B&W Illustrations:1st Edition,1st Printing.Very Good-.
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Author:Daley, Edith and Wright, H. J. B. (President)
Book Title:War History of Santa Clara County
Publisher:Santa Clara County Historical Society
Publication Year:1919
Place Published:San Jose, CA
Topic:World War I
Edition:1st Edition
Printing:1st Printing
Book Condition:Very Good-
Defects:This is an oversized paperback book. The book is in Very Good-, condition and was likely issued without a dust jacket. The, previous owner has added labels to the spine of the book with, the title and author's name. There is some light bumping and, rubbing to the spine ends and corners of the book covers. There, is a previous owner's inked name on the front cover of the, book. The text pages are clean and bright. "Edith Daley was the, city librarian of San Jose. She was the author of "War History, of Santa Clara County", retelling life in San Jose during World, War I. She was the author of "Angel in the Sun" (1917) , a book, of verse, reviewed in the Evening News in December 1917,, "Silver Twilight", "The Golden Dome" and of poems contained in, the following anthologies: "Roosevelt as the Poets Saw Him",, Markham's anthology of "World's Best Poetry", Stidger's "Flames, of Faith", "A Day in the Hills", "A Day of Poetry". She was a, columnist and writer for the San Jose Evening News where she, wrote colorful and in-depth articles on local industries. She, was the president of San Jose Poetry Club. She was friends with, Henry Mead Bland, a philosopher and teacher, and Edwin Markham,, a poet. They were called "The Three Poets". Bland wrote the, foreword for Daley's book "The Angel in the Sun". " (from, Wikipedia)
Illustration Type:B&W Illustrations
Subject:World War I
Place of Publication:San Jose, CA
Year Printed:1919
Special Attributes:1st Edition
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 23,08 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 28. March 2025 und 07. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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