Wird der Antichrist aus Russland kommen?
20,67 €
The booklet is in Very Good+ condition and was issued without a dust jacket. The text pages are clean and bright. In order to promote the campaign, Lindsay started the "Voice of Healing" in Shreveport Louisiana in April 1948.
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Author:Lindsay, Gordon (James Gordon Lindsay)
Book Title:Will the Antichrist Come out of Russia?
Cover:Stapled wraps
Publisher:Christ for the Nations
Publication Year:1968
Place Published:Dallas, TX
Format:Stapled wraps
Edition:1st Edition
Printing:1st Printing
Book Condition:Very Good+
Defects:This is a trade sized booklet with cardstock covers and a, stapled spine. The booklet is in Very Good+ condition and was, issued without a dust jacket. The text pages are clean and, bright. "Lindsay first heard William Branham in a meeting in, Sacramento during the authum of 1947 and, after meeting with, him, they both agreed that Lindsay should act as Branham's, campaign manager. Later that year he resigned his pastoral, position to become campaign manager for Branham. In order to, promote the campaign, Lindsay started the "Voice of Healing" in, Shreveport Louisiana in April 1948. Shreveport was home of, Branham's prior campaign manager Jack Moore, who pastored a, church in the city. A magazine of wide circulation,, particularly in the southern US, the first issue listed William, Branham as publisher, Gordon Lindsay as editor, Jack Moore as, associate editor, and Anna Jeanne Moore as circulation editor., " (from Wikipedia) (also from Wikipedia) : "Lindsay was, involved with the British Israelite movement and was the, organizer of the 1940 Anglo Saxon World Federation Convention, held during March in Vancouver, Canada. Speakers at the event, included Canadian minister Clem Davies, a KKK recruiter and, promoter of an early version of Christian Identity Theology., When World War II broke out, Lindsay accepted a call to become, pastor of a church in Ashland, Oregon in early 1940. "
Binding:Stapled wraps
Place of Publication:Dallas, TX
Year Printed:1968
Special Attributes:1st Edition
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 21,88 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 03. January 2025 und 16. January 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 21,04 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 03. January 2025 und 16. January 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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