Wolverine #85 - Sep 1994 - Vol.1 - Holofoil Edition (OS#1290) 8.5 VW7
Wolverine #85 - Sep 1994 - Vol.1 - Holofoil Edition I am not professional grader look over books ask. Shipping media. Mail 1-4 books is 4.25 5- 9 is 5.25 then 10 -16 priority Mail 12.00 17-40 or probably a little bit more $15 flat rate. Shipping on trades or hard cover Comics or graphic novels combine shipping will be different because of the weight you’d like other shipping please inquire before you purchase so I can make adjustments. International shipping could be two weeks to two months to reach you out of my control. If you would like other shipping please ask before you buy so I can accommodate you.Domestic shipping could be 2 to 3 weeks after I send out please be patient. There is post office issues across the country.This book is nice!
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Tradition:US Comics
Story Title:Wolverine #85
Universe:Marvel (MCU)
Publisher:Marvel Comics
Series Title:Wolverine Vol.1
Publication Year:1994
Type:Comic Book
Format:Single Issue
Issue Number:85
Era:Modern Age (1992-Now)
Features:Collector's Edition
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 19,94 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 11. April 2025 und 22. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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